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Project Motivation, affectionately known as ProMo, is a group dedicated to promoting higher education to minority youths through on-campus visits and Bay Area outreach.


Many high school students, particularly Latino, African American and Native American students, do not see higher education as a feasible option, a fact revealed by high drop out rates and low college enrollment. These students have the highest drop out rate in California (California Department of Education). In addition, when reviewing the composition of students in higher education, the California Postsecondary Education Commission states "the presence of several groups - notably Black and Latino students - is less than expected on the basis of their proportion in California."


Project Motivation is determined to change such statistics by instilling a positive attitude toward higher education and by helping students understand the unlimited opportunities open to them. It is a program that facilitates the interaction between high school students and Stanford undergraduates.


ProMo offers tours and panels to students that are designed to be an alternative to the regular Stanford Admissions panels. Run and led by Stanford student volunteers, our tours and panels are about the college experience; we share our stories to help students understand that college can be possible for everyone.


© 2017 by Project Motivation. 

Find us: 

Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309

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