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Please skim through the questions below if you have any questions. If your question is not listed, don't hesitate to email us at



How do I schedule a visit?


Please schedule a visit using our online scheduling form, which can be found here. If you email us to schedule a visit, we will direct you to this form. For further clarification about the visit, please see the Visit tab of our website, or click here.


Where do I meet for my scheduled tour?


Your tour guides will meet you at the Top of the Oval, where the field meets Serra Mall. If your bus is parking on Lasuen Street, your group will have to walk to the Oval to meet the tour guides.


Where can I park my car?


There is a pay parking lot near Tresidder Union, and there are parking meters around the Oval as well as in the Lagunita court parking lot on Santa Teresa. For a map of available parking, click here.


Where can I park my bus?


You will have to confirm your bus reservation ahead of time. After we have given you your reservation number, you may park in Roth Way, near the Oval, for free. For more information about bus parking, click here.


How old should our students be?


We only take middle and high school students, with high school students having priority over middle school ones.


Do you provide lunch or tranportation?


Unfortunately, due to limited funds, Project Motivation is unable to provide lunch or transportation to or from Stanford.


Where should we eat on campus?


 We highly recommend that your students bring lunch. Due to our operating budget we cannot provide food. The food options on campus include Subway, Jamba Juice, The Axe and Palm and other small eateries however they are generally more expensive. Also, dining hall arrangements can be made in advance through dining services.


What goes on during a typical panel?


The direction of the panel is generally up to the school. It is very informal and students may ask the panelists whatever questions they'd like. If the teachers or chaperones have specific questions or areas they would like addressed, they can note that when making tour arrangements. For more information, click here.


What goes on during a typical tour?


Typically, a tour will include the libraries, the Main Quad, Tresidder and a dorm or dining hall. Special requests can be made on the Scheduling Form and during the pre-planning stages of the tour. For more information, click here.


How far in advance should we schedule?


At least a month for October through March and two months in advance for April and May. If your group is over 50 students, please try to alert us as far in advance as possible.

© 2017 by Project Motivation. 

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Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309

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