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ProMo visits generally consist of an hour-long walking tour followed by an hour-long panel of Stanford students. You can opt to choose one or both of these options. Due to logistical constraints, we cannot arrange tours or panels that are longer or shorter than 60 minutes. We also are unable to accommodate groups with more than 50 people.


All of our tour guides and panelists are Stanford student volunteers, and we try to match our volunteers with the information about your group that you provide to us in the Scheduling Form. By doing this, we hope to encourage open and comfortable communication between students and volunteers.


Volunteers are always more than happy to share their personal experiences, and those experiences are often best received when your students can relate to them on a more personal level.




The tour is an opportunity to get acquainted with Stanford's campus. Your students will be divided into groups of 15-20, each of which will join a different tour guide.


Tours start at the Main Quad and end at the location of the panel, but what we show you varies from tour to tour. If you have particular interests on campus - or particular places you want to see - please let us know ahead of time so that we can communicate that with your tour guide.




The panel is an opportunity for you and your students to ask questions and get honest answers. It is an open forum between students and Stanford volunteers. Panels generally take a question-and-answer form, so it may be helpful for your students to come ready with questions about college. Our volunteers are happy to answer any questions, but they will not share their exact GPAs or test scores.






For high school students, we like to start panels with a 10 minute exercise to get them thinking about college. There are two options for this part of the panel. Please note that these options are only available for high school students.


Admissions Talk: A Diversity Outreach Associate from the Stanford Admissions Office talks about Stanford-specific admissions requirements and hands out Admissions materials. This may be helpful if your students are particularly high performing, if they want to consider applying to Stanford, or if they have already begun their college applications. This option may not be available for every date.


Scholar Spectrum: A ProMo leader leads the students through a more interactive activity that gets them thinking about what they are looking for in a college. The students are asked a series of questions about college (ie: Do you want to go to a large school or small school?) and directed to stand wherever they feel best fits them based on a spectrum of possible responses (ie: left side of the room represents an enormous school and right side of the room represents a tiny school). This may be helpful if your students have not yet begun applying to schools, do not have guidance about where they should apply, or haven't yet thought about what kind of college would best fit their needs. This is not intended to be Stanford-specific.


You may also opt to choose neither of these options and instead devote all 60 minutes of the panel to Q&A.


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